Discern Your Core Values
Newberry Group will assist you in discerning your core values so that your belief system is the foundation of your charitable vision and mission. We help you create a strategy and a plan to guide your charitable giving based upon your goals and values. This newfound focus on private charitable foundation consulting will maximize your impact, prevent you from getting distracted and increase your satisfaction. Ground your generosity in what you believe is most important.

Engage Your Family
Use philanthropy as a tool to strengthen your family. Engaging your family in your philanthropy allows you to promote your most cherished beliefs and continue to influence your children regardless of their age. We pass on much more than just our valuables to our children, we pass on our values. Work with Newberry Group to learn how to use philanthropy to maintain the cohesion of your family.

Conduct Due Diligence
Donate with confidence knowing that the charity will use your money wisely and be a prudent steward of your resources. Newberry Group conducts Private Family Office Philanthropy due diligence that can include: financial analysis, site visits, leadership assessment, or board member interviews. We can also evaluate the impact of your donation to better understand if your giving led to the outcome you had hoped to achieve.

Incorporate Your Faith
Newberry Group can assist you in connecting your faith to your giving. At your direction, we can discuss the tenants of your faith (including Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and ensure they are reflected in your philanthropy, further enhancing your legacy. Deeply held spiritual beliefs or ethical traditions can also easily be incorporated into your philanthropic